24 de abril de 2020


Educational board games are often expensive and sometimes limited in scope.

School materials budgets aren’t getting any more generous and value is an important consideration when making a purchase for the classroom or therapy setting. My goal in writing this book is to provide educators with a wide variety of game types in many different skill areas for a reasonable price. 

These games can be used exactly as they are printed (some photocopying may be required), or you can photocopy the boards, color them, laminate them, and store them in file folders for repeated use. These games make great additions to learning centers or as take-home activities. As with any tool, every professional who picks up this book will use it differently.

50 Quick-Play Grammar Games is designed to reinforce a variety of basic grammar skills. At least two games are included for each skill in the book, and two different skill levels are addressed within each skill area. 

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